View Asset Details

The Asset Details page shows comprehensive details about all data that OT Security discovers for a selected asset. The details appear in the Header bar as well as in a series of tabs and subsections. Some tabs and subsections are relevant only for specific Asset Types.

To access the Asset Details page for a specific asset:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Click the asset name on any of these pages where the asset name appears as a link: Inventory, Events, or Network.

    • In the Inventory page, click Actions > View.

The following elements are included in the Asset Details window (for relevant asset types):

  • Header Pane — shows an overview of essential info about the asset and its current state. It also contains an Actions menu that enables you to edit the listing for that asset.

  • Details — shows detailed information divided into subsection with specific data that is relevant to various asset types.

  • Code Revisions (for controllers only) — shows information about current as well as previous code revisions as discovered by the OT Security 'snapshot' function. This includes details of all the specific changes that were introduced to the code, that is the sections (code blocks/rungs) that were added, deleted, or changed.

  • IP Trail — shows all current and historical IPs that are related to the asset.

  • Attack Vectors — shows vulnerable attack vectors, that is the routes that an attacker can use to gain access to this asset. You can generate an attack vector automatically, to show the most critical attack vector or you can manually generate attack vectors from specific assets.

  • Open Ports — shows info about open ports on the asset.

  • Vulnerabilities — shows the fixed and active vulnerabilities the system identified for the selected asset, such as obsolete Windows operating systems, usage of vulnerable protocols, and open communications ports which are known to be risky or non-essential for specific types of devices, see Vulnerabilities.

  • Events — a list of Events in the network involving the asset.

  • Network Map — shows a graphic visualization of the network connections of the asset.

  • Device Ports (for network switches) — shows info about ports on the network switch.