Appliances Screen

All of your appliances associated with the OT Security Enterprise Manager are listed on the Appliances screen. You can customize the display settings by adjusting which columns are displayed and where each column is positioned. You can download a CSV file with the appliance info by clicking on the Export button in the top right. You can also sort and filter the Appliances list as well as search for text in the Search box. For an explanation of the customization features, see the chapter on Working with Lists in the OT Security User Guide.

The following table describes the information shown on the Appliances screen.

Parameter Description
Site The site where the OT Security instance is deployed. The site name is a link to open the EM in Site mode for that site.
IP/Host The IP or Hostname of the OT Security instance.
Last Sync The date and time that the site data was synchronized with the OT Security Enterprise Manager.
Version The OT Security software version.
License Type The license type associated with this appliance. Options are: subscription or perpetual.
License Expires The date and time that the license expires.
Licensed Assets

Options are:

  • The number of assets that you are using out of the total number that you are licensed for, and the percentage of licenses used (e.g. 464/500 (93%)).

  • Unlimited.

Computer ID The unique ID of the site computer.