

Every structure – physical or virtual – requires maintenance to maintain structural integrity over time. Even the most hardened infrastructure is subject to degradation with regular use. Tenable Security Center, Tenable Vulnerability Management and Tenable Identity Exposure provide comprehensive monitoring to detect drift from the desired state.

Administrator and user activity over time degrades security controls, if the system is not maintained properly. Regular scanning of the environment using the Nessus audit files identifies drift in security controls.

The following Indicators of Exposure (IoE) in Tenable Identity Exposure can be used to identify maintenance issues in Active Directory:

  • Computers Running an Obsolete OS (High)

  • Disabled Accounts in Privileged Groups (Low)

  • Unlinked, Disabled or Orphan GPO (Low)

Step 1: From the Indicators of Exposure tab in Identity Management, search for the above listed IoEs in the search field as shown below:

Step 2: Click on one of the displayed tiles to drill down into more details, as shown below:

Security leaders need to SEE everything, PREDICT what matters most, and ACT to address cyber risk and effectively align cyber security initiatives with business objectives. Tenable Security Center, Tenable Vulnerability Management and Tenable Identity Exposure discover and analyze assets continuously to provide an accurate and unified view of an organization’s identity and access management controls.