Add a Scanner

Create a Container Security scanner:

  1. On the Scanners page, click Add Scanner.

  2. In the Scanner Name box, type a name for the scanner.

  3. In the Description box, type a description for the scanner.

  4. Select a platform for the scanner.

  5. Click Download.

    The scanner downloads to your local machine.

  6. Move the scanner to your desired location using the following command:

    mv ./consec.tar.gz
  7. Activate the scanner using the following commands:

    1. Untar the Container Security CLI:

      tar xvpf ./consec.tar.gz
    2. Allow executable permissions to the Container Security CLI binary file:

      chmod +x consec
    3. Start the scanner:

      ./consec run


      To scan a registry that is using a self-signed certificate, use the following command:

      ./consec run --insecure-registry=true

      Note: If you are running CI/CD single image scans, you can skip this step. For more information, see Configure a CI/CD Scan.

What to do next: