Activate Tenable Nessus BYOL Scanner via the Command Line
To activate the Tenable Nessus Professional BYOL scanner via the command line:
Adjust the permissions for your downloaded SSH Key using the following command:
chmod 400 myNessusKey.pem
SSH into the Nessus BYOL scanner using the following command:
ssh -i myNessusKey.pem ec2-user@<BYOLpublicIP>
Where <BYOLpublicIP> is the IP address of your Tenable Nessus Professional instance.
Elevate privileges using the following command:
sudo su
- Update the AMI using the following command:
yum update -y
- Stop Tenable Nessus using the following command:
service nessusd stop
- Register the scanner with your Tenable Nessus Professional activation code using the following command:
/opt/nessus/sbin/nessuscli fetch --register <ACTIVATION CODE>
Where <ACTIVATION CODE> is the activation code for your instance.
- Start Tenable Nessus using the following command:
service nessusd start