Set Log Level

You can set or modify the log level for the Tenable Plugin for JIRA.

Before you begin:

  • You must have administrative access privileges in JIRA.

To set the log level:

  1. Log in to JIRA.
  2. Click > System.

    The System page appears.

  3. In the left-hand column, click Logging and Profiling.

    The log file page appears.

  4. Scroll to the Default Loggers section.
  5. Search the list for com.tenable.jira.tenable-jira_plugin. (If it is present, skip to step #8.)

  6. In the Default Loggers section, select Configure logging level for another package.

    (Optional) You can disable logging by selecting Off in the far-right of the page.

  7. Enter com.tenable.jira.tenable-jira_plugin
  8. Select the desired setting for the log level.