Agent Status

Tenable Nessus Agents can be in one of the following statuses:

Status Description

The host that contains the Tenable Nessus Agent is currently connected and in communication with Tenable Nessus Manager or Tenable Vulnerability Management.

Offline The host that contains the Tenable Nessus Agent is currently powered down or not connected to a network.

The Tenable Nessus Agent is in the process of checking in with Tenable Nessus Manager or Tenable Vulnerability Management.


(Tenable Nessus Manager only) The agent is in an unlinked state.

Agents with this status are only present if Track unlinked agents is enabled.

Note: Agents that are automatically unlinked via the Unlink inactive agents after X days setting can automatically relink to Tenable Nessus Manager if they come back online. You must manually relink agents that were manually unlinked.