Mobile Credentials
Tenable Nessus Manager can leverage credentials for patch management systems to perform patch auditing on systems for which credentials may not be available.
Note: Patch management integration is not available on Tenable Nessus Essentials, Tenable Nessus Professional, Tenable Nessus Expert, or managed Tenable Nessus scanners.
Blackberry UEM
Option | Description |
Tenant | The Microsoft Azure Directory (tenant) ID visible in your App registration. |
Client | The Microsoft Azure Application (client) ID generated during your App registration. |
Secret | The secret key generated when you created your client secret key in Microsoft Azure. |
Username | The username for the account you want Tenable Nessus to use to authenticate to Intune. |
Password | The password for the account you want Tenable Nessus to use to authenticate to Intune. |
Workspace ONE