Install Tenable Nessus on macOS
Caution: If you install a Tenable Nessus Agent, Tenable Nessus Manager, or Tenable Nessus scanner on a system with an existing Tenable Nessus Agent, Tenable Nessus Manager, or Tenable Nessus scanner running nessusd
, the installation process terminates all other nessusd
processes. You may lose scan data as a result.
Note: Tenable Nessus does not support using symbolic links for /opt/nessus/.
Download Tenable Nessus Package File
Download the Tenable Nessus package file.

Extract the Nessus Files
Double-click the Nessus-<version number>.dmg file.
Start Nessus Installation
Double-click Install Nessus.pkg.
Complete the Tenable, Inc. Nessus Server Install
When the installation begins, the Install Tenable, Inc. Nessus Server screen appears and provides an interactive navigation menu.
The Welcome to the Tenable, Inc. Nessus Server Installer window provides general information about the Nessus installation.
- Read the installer information.
- To begin, select the Continue button.
- On the Software License Agreement screen, read the terms of the Tenable, Inc. Nessus software license and subscription agreement.
- OPTIONAL: To retain a copy of the license agreement, select Print or Save.
- Next, select the Continue button.
- To continue installing Nessus, select the Agree button, otherwise, select the Disagree button to quit and exit.
Installation Type
On the Standard Install on <DriveName> screen, choose one of the following options:
- Select the Change Install Location button.
- Select the Install button to continue using the default installation location.
When the Preparing for installation screen appears, you are prompted for a username and password.
- Enter the Name and Password of an administrator account or the root user account.
- On the Ready to Install the Program screen, select the Install button.
Next, the Installing Tenable, Inc. Nessus screen appears and shows a Status indication bar for the remaining installation progress. The process may take several minutes.
When the installation is complete, the The installation was successful screen appears. After the installation completes, select Close.
Open Tenable Nessus in your browser.
To access a remotely installed Nessus instance, go to https://<remote IP address>:8834 (for example,
To access a locally installed Nessus instance, go to https://localhost:8834.
Perform the remaining Nessus installation steps in your browser.

Open Terminal.
Run the following commands in the listed order:
sudo hdiutil attach <Nessus .dmg package>
sudo installer -package /Volumes/Nessus\ Install/Install\ Nessus.pkg -target /
sudo hdiutil detach /Volumes/Nessus\ Install
Open Tenable Nessus in your browser.
To access a remotely installed Nessus instance, go to https://<remote IP address>:8834 (for example,
To access a locally installed Nessus instance, go to https://localhost:8834.
Perform the remaining Nessus installation steps in your browser.