Manage Scan Folders
A standard user or administrator can complete the following procedures.

In the top navigation bar, click Scans.
The My Scans page appears.
In the upper-right corner, click the New Folder button.
The New Folder window appears.
- In the Name box, type a name for the folder.
Click the Create button.
Tenable Nessus creates the folder and shows it in the left navigation bar.

In the top navigation bar, click Scans.
The My Scans page appears.
- If the scan you want to move is not in the My Scans folder, on the left navigation bar, click the folder that contains the scan you want to move.
On the scans table, select the check box on the row corresponding to the scan that you want to configure.
In the upper-right corner, the More button appears.
Click More. Point to Move To, and click the folder that you want to move the scan to.
The scan moves to that folder.

In the top navigation bar, click Scans.
The My Scans page appears.
In the left navigation bar, next to the folder that you want to rename, click the
button, and then click Rename.
The Rename Folder window appears.
- In the Name box, type a new name.
Click the Save button.
The folder name changes.

In the top navigation bar, click Scans.
The My Scans page appears.
In the left navigation bar, next to the folder that you want to rename, click the
button, and then click Delete.
The Delete Folder dialog box appears.
Click the Delete button.
Tenable Nessus deletes the folder. If the folder contained scans, Tenable Nessus moves those scans to the Trash folder.