Users can select SNMPv3 settings from the Credentials menu and enter credentials for scanning systems using an encrypted network management protocol.

Use these credentials to obtain local information from remote systems, including network devices, for patch auditing or compliance checks.

There is a field for entering the SNMPv3 username for the account that performs the checks on the target system, along with the SNMPv3 port, security level, authentication algorithm and password, and privacy algorithm and password.

If Nessus is unable to determine the community string or password, it may not perform a full audit of the service.

Note: You cannot configure SNMPv3 settings for the Basic Network Scan template.
Option Description Default


(Required) The username for the SNMPv3 account that Tenable Nessus uses to perform checks on the target system.



The TCP port that SNMPv3 listens on for communications from Tenable Nessus.


Security level

The security level for SNMP:

  • No authentication and no privacy
  • Authentication without privacy
  • Authentication and privacy
Authentication and privacy

Authentication algorithm

The algorithm the remove service supports: , SHA1, SHA224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 or MD5.


Authentication password

(Required) The password associated with the Username.


Privacy algorithm

The encryption algorithm to use for SNMP traffic: AES, AES-192, AES-192C, AES-256, AES-256C, or DES.


Privacy password

(Required) A password used to protect encrypted SNMP communication.
