Install Tenable Nessus on Raspberry Pi

Tenable Nessus 10.0.0 and later supports scanning on the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with a minimum of 8GB memory.

  1. Download the Tenable Nessus Raspberry Pi OS package file from the Tenable Downloads site.

  2. From a command prompt or terminal window, run the Tenable Nessus installation command:

    dpkg -i Nessus-<version>-raspberrypios_armhf.deb

  3. From a command prompt or terminal window, start the nessusd daemon by running the following command:

    /bin/systemctl start nessusd.service

  4. Open Tenable Nessus in your browser.

    • To access a remotely installed Tenable Nessus instance, go to https://<remote IP address>:8834 (for example,

    • To access a locally installed Tenable Nessus instance, go to https://localhost:8834.

  5. Perform the remaining Tenable Nessus installation steps in your browser.