Local Agent Plugin Commands
Retrieve Agent Plugin Info
Required User Role: User with administrator privileges
To list details about the agent's current plugins, use the following command:
# nessuscli plugins --info
The output shows the following information about the agent's full and inventory plugin sets:
- Installed version
Last downloaded
Last needed
Expires in — The plugin set's expiration time and date (that is, when the plugin set is no longer needed).
Plugins — The total number of plugins in the plugin set.
Uncompressed source size
The output also lists general details and statistics about the agent's plugins, such as:
Last plugin update time
Last plugin update check time
Total compressed plugins source size
Total compiled plugins size
Total plugins attributes data
Total plugin size on disk
To see and copy the full command for your specific operating system, see the Command Quick Reference.
For the full command for your operating system, see the following:
Reset Agent Plugins
Required User Role: User with administrator privileges
To delete all plugins and plugin-related data off the disk, use the following command:
# nessuscli plugins --reset
The agent is able to download new plugins immediately after the deletion completes.
Note: This command only triggers if the agent has plugin data on its disk.
To see and copy the full command for your specific operating system, see the Command Quick Reference.
For the full command for your operating system, see the following: