Help Commands

Required User Role: User with administrator privileges

You can get help to see available commands on the nessuscli tool, as well as get help for a specific command.

To see and copy the full command for your specific operating system, see the Command Quick Reference.


To get help for the nessuscli tool, use the following command:

# nessuscli help

The help output may vary, depending on your Tenable Nessus license.

The following is example output for Tenable Nessus Manager help:

Usage: nessuscli command [options]

Usage: nessuscli command help


Bug Reporting Commands:

- bug-report-generator

- bug-report-generator --quiet [--full] [--scrub]


User Commands:

- rmuser [username]

- chpasswd [username]

- adduser [username]

- lsuser


Manager Commands:

- manager download-core

- manager generate-plugins


Fetch Commands:

- fetch --register <serial>

- fetch --register-offline [<file.rc>]

- fetch --check

- fetch --code-in-use

- fetch --challenge

- fetch --security-center


Fix Commands:

- fix [--secure] --list

- fix [--secure] --set <name=value>

- fix [--secure] --get <name>

- fix [--secure] --delete <name>

- fix --list-interfaces

- fix --reset


Certificate Commands:

- mkcert-client

- mkcert [-q]


Software Update Commands:

- update

- update --all

- update --plugins-only

- update <plugin archive>

Help for a Specific Command

To get help for the usage of a specific command, use the following command:

# nessuscli <cmd> help

For example, to get help for the usage of the bug-report-generator command, type:

# nessuscli bug-report-generator help


Usage: nessuscli bug-report-generator

Usage: nessuscli bug-report-generator --quiet [--full] [--scrub]


Generate an archive of system diagnostics.

Running without arguments prompts for values.

--quiet: run the bug report generator without prompting the user for feedback

--scrub: when in quiet mode, bug report generator sanitizes the last two octets of the IPv4 address

--full: when in quiet mode, bug report generator collects extra data

Command Quick Reference

For the full command for your operating system, see the following: