
It is possible to define if/then/else logic in the Check Point audit policy. This allows the end-user to use a single file that is able to handle multiple configurations.

The syntax to perform conditions is the following:


<condition type:"or">

< Insert your audit here >



< Insert your audit here >



< Insert your audit here >





<condition type: "OR">



description: "2.6 Install and configure Encrypted Connections to devices - 'telnet'"

regex: "set net-access telnet"

expect: "set net-access telnet off"

info: "Do not use plain-text protocols."




<report type: "PASSED">

description: "Telnet is disabled"






description: "2.6 Install and configure Encrypted Connections to devices - 'telnet'"

regex: "set net-access telnet"

expect: "set net-access telnet off"

info: "Do not use plain-text protocols."




The condition never shows up in the report - that is, whether it fails or passes it won’t show up (it’s a “silent” check).

Conditions can be of type “and” or “or”.