This policy item checks for the values defined in “Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Account Policies -> Password Policy”.

The check is performed by calling the function NetUserModalsGet with the level 1.




description: ["description"]

value_type: [VALUE_TYPE]

value_data: [value]

(optional) check_type: [value]

password_policy: [PASSWORD_POLICY_TYPE]


These items use the password_policy field to describe which element of the password policy must be audited. The allowed types are:

  • ENFORCE_PASSWORD_HISTORY (“Enforce password history”)

    value_type: POLICY_DWORD

    value_data: DWORD or RANGE [number of remembered passwords]

  • MAXIMUM_PASSWORD_AGE (“Maximum password age”)

    value_type: TIME_DAY

    value_data: DWORD or RANGE [time in days]

  • MINIMUM_PASSWORD_AGE (“Minimum password age”)

    value_type: TIME_DAY

    value_data: DWORD or RANGE [time in days]

  • MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH (“Minimum password length”)

    value_type: POLICY_DWORD

    value_data: DWORD or RANGE [minimum number of characters in the password]

  • COMPLEXITY_REQUIREMENTS (“Password must meet complexity requirements”)

    value_type: POLICY_SET

    value_data: "Enabled" or "Disabled"

  • REVERSIBLE_ENCRYPTION (“Store passwords using reversible encryption for all users in the domain”)

    value_type: POLICY_SET

    value_data: "Enabled" or "Disabled"

  • FORCE_LOGOFF (“Network security: Force log off when log on hours expire”)

    value_type: POLICY_SET

    value_data: "Enabled" or "Disabled"

  • LOCKOUT_ADMINS ("Allow Administrator account lockout")

    value_type: POLICY_SET

    value_data: "Enabled" or "Disabled"

Note: There is currently no way to check for the policy “Store password using reversible encryption for all users in the domain”.

The FORCE_LOGOFF policy is located in “Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options”.


The following is an example password policy audit:



description: "Minimum password length"

value_type: POLICY_DWORD

value_data: 7

