
Sprocket Inc. is a global company with offices and employees in almost all countries. Sprocket's large and distributed workforce presented several challenges when selecting and designing a security solution. Sprocket required a solution that provided the following:

  • Immediate and consistent local scans across all 330,000 assets including servers in company data centers, cloud servers (Azure and AWS), and transient devices like employee laptops.
  • Minimized network load since their data centers were at capacity.
  • Improved credential management due to their global distributed workforce and siloed organizations.
  • The ability to integrate with third-party applications that are used to manage and monitor information across their IT landscape.
  • A solution that could scale as their OT Security, Tenable Web App Scanning, and container environments increased.


Sprocket leveraged Tenable Vulnerability Management to manage all aspects of their environment. The solution used Tenable Nessus Agents for all Windows, Linux, and macOS devices for local scan and audit information, and Tenable Nessus scanners located in private cloud instances in each organizational theater for remote network scanning. Tenable Vulnerability Management also provided the needed API to utilize their third-party and customized applications.

Sprocket deployed Tenable Nessus Agents using customized scripts for each operating system based on the asset function. The Tenable Nessus Agents were assigned to one of 130 groups based on the operating system and asset owner.