Add a Tenable Nessus Scanner

To add a Tenable Nessus Scanner:

  1. Click ConfigurationNessus Scanner Settings > Add Nessus Scanner.

    The Add Nessus Scanner window appears.

  2. In the Scanner Host box, type the domain name or IP address of the Tenable Nessus server.

  3. In the Scanner Port box, type the port of the Tenable Nessus server.

  4. In the Access Key box, type the first half of a Tenable Nessus API Key, which is used to authenticate with the Tenable Nessus REST API.

  5. In the Secret Key box, type the second half of a Tenable Nessus API Key, which is used to authenticate with the Tenable Nessus REST API.

  6. Click the Add Nessus Scanner button.

    The Tenable Nessus scanner appears in the Nessus Scanner Settings section.