SIEM Pull Service Queries

The SIEM Pull Service is a daemon that connects to Splunk and queries for specific risk-related event types, or risk altering events. The SIEM Pull Service is configured for four types of risk-altering event: Asset Discovery, Service Modification, Software Detection, and User Account Activity. These events are most likely to alter the risk profile of an asset, and therefore, Tenable Security Center or Tenable Vulnerability Management should re-scan the affected asset. The risk-altering event types, initial pull service queries to Splunk, and respective plugins are listed below.

Asset Discovery

The SIEM Pull Services uses DHCP logs to detect when assets connect to the network and provide an IP address. The discovered assets can then be used to target in scanning to collect the vulnerability data and establish a risk profile for the asset.

Service Modification

When services are changed, (added, removed, stopped or started) the risks of an asset are impacted. The assets should be scanned immediately to determine the impact to the risk profile.

Software Detection

Software Detection events are the result of software installations or removals using common tools such as MSI files, YUM, and DPKG. When software is added to a system, the risk is altered and the system should be scanned using credentials to properly assess the change in risk.

Note: If a binary was manually copied to the system, the event will not be captured.

User Account Activity

User Account Activity events are related to system's user accounts. Each time an account is modified, the impact of that change is worth noting. Many compliance reports require the tracking of password changes, group memberships, and similar activities.