Legacy Tenable Cloud Security 2.5.3 Release Notes (2022-10-14)

Important: Tenable has announced the End of Life for Legacy Tenable Cloud Security. You can continue to access the application and receive support through September 30, 2024. Tenable recommends that you move to the current version of Cloud Security immediately. For more details, see the End of Life bulletin.

Agentless Assessment

Legacy Tenable Cloud Security now supports SaaS agentless scanning for workloads on AWS EC2 instances running on Linux operating systems. Agentless Assessment scans AWS workloads for security risks, compliance violations, and configuration drift without installing any agents into your run-time infrastructure. It securely scans your instance resources inside your own environment.

You can configure vulnerability scans using Agentless Assessment in Legacy Tenable Cloud Security. When you trigger a cloud scan in Legacy Tenable Cloud Security, along with detecting your cloud resources and misconfigurations, Legacy Tenable Cloud Security also detects vulnerabilities in your AWS EC2 workload instances.

Agentless Assessment includes the following features:

  • Live Results — Use Live Results to view scan results for new plugins based on the most recently collected snapshot data, without running a new scan.

  • End to End WorkflowLegacy Tenable Cloud Security provides the end-to-end workflow for running vulnerability scans with Agentless Assessment.

    • Scan Profile and Scan State Information — You can now create scan profiles to group the scan operations of different cloud resources and schedule scans according to your needs. You can also view the scan status and scan history for Misconfiguration and Vulnerability Scans.

    • Manual and scheduled scans — You can now configure and run manual or scheduled cloud scans.

    • Vulnerability Dashboard — The Legacy Tenable Cloud Security Vulnerabilities dashboard displays several widgets that provide key insights about the vulnerabilities detected during a Vulnerability Scan.
    • Vulnerability Findings — The Vulnerabilities tab of the Findings page displays the vulnerabilities detected from a Vulnerability Scan.

  • Scan Coverage Parity with Frictionless Assessment Agent — Scan results from Agentless Assessment maintain parity with Frictionless Assessment in Tenable Vulnerability Management.

  • Findings in Tenable Vulnerability Management — You can now view Vulnerability Scan results and assets on the Findings page of Tenable Vulnerability Management.

  • Global Scanning — Agentless Assessment is supported in 12 AWS regions.

For more information, see Agentless Assessment.

Export Vulnerabilities Report to CSV

You can now export the list of vulnerabilities as a CSV. For more information, see View Vulnerabilities.

Bug Fixes

Bug Fix
Fixed an issue with creating a webhook for repositories with CloudFormation templates.