Nessus Agent 10.3.1 Release Notes - 2022-12-12

Note: There is a known issue where upgrading and downgrading a Windows agent within a short period of time could cause the agent to become unresponsive. Tenable recommends that you do not upgrade or downgrade an individual Windows agent more than once every two hours. Doing so can cause nessus-service to stop. If this happens, restart the agent to restore nessus-service.

Bug Fixes

Bug Fix Defect ID
Updated Nessus Agent to prevent excessive small reads that caused CPU spikes on Windows job requests. 5003a00001Ir3sNAAR, 5003a00001IG3MLAA1, 5003a00001IrA8lAAF
Updated Nessus Agent so that plugin updates do not affect triggered scans during scan upload. 5003a00001IIHQiAAP
Updated Nessus Agent to verify that the agent is running in a GCP environment before connecting to GCP metadata servers. 5003a00001IruKCAAZ, 5003a00001ItvB1AAJ

Upgrade Notes

  • If you are connecting to Tenable Vulnerability Management through Tenable Nessus scanners, Tenable Nessus Agents, Tenable Web App Scanning scanners, or Tenable Nessus Network Monitors (NNM) located in mainland China, you must connect through instead of

  • New Tenable Vulnerability Management Domain - As a part of continuous security and scalability improvements to Tenable infrastructure, we have added a new domain that Tenable Vulnerability Management-linked Tenable Nessus Agents communicate with.

    • Tenable Vulnerability Management-linked Tenable Nessus Agents communicate with Tenable Vulnerability Management using If agents versions 8.1.0 through 10.3.1 are not able to connect to the new domain, they fall back to using Tenable Nessus Agent 10.3.2 and later do not fall back using the domain.

    • Recommended Action: If you use domain allow lists for firewalls, Tenable recommends adding * (with the wildcard character) to the allow list. This ensures communication with and all future subdomains, reducing operational overhead. Contact your network administrator for assistance with making necessary changes to your allow list.
  • You can upgrade to the latest version of Tenable Nessus Agent from any previously supported version.
  • If your upgrade path skips versions of the Tenable Nessus Agent, Tenable recommends reviewing the release notes for all skipped versions to learn about new features and bug fixes.