Switch to a Linked User Account

Required User Role: Administrator with linked user accounts or a Security Manager linked to an Administrator. For more information, see User Roles and Linked User Accounts.

Linked users can switch from the linked Administrator to a linked Security Manager, from one linked Security Manager to another, or from a linked Security Manager to the linked Administrator user. For more information about linked user accounts, see Linked User Accounts.

Before you begin:

To switch to a linked user account:

  1. Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.

    Note: You must log in to the Administrator account associated with the linked Security Manager, then switch between linked users. Linked Security Managers cannot log in to Tenable Security Center directly.

  2. Click your user profile icon > Switch User. This option appears only if the current logged-in user already has a linked user account.

    The Switch To Linked Account window appears.

  3. Click the name of the linked user you want to switch to.

  4. Click Switch.

    Tenable Security Center logs you in as the selected user.

    The username menu updates to show the linked user account name and associated organization.