Export an Assurance Report Card
Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Organizational user with appropriate permissions. For more information, see User Roles.
You can export an Assurance Report Card (ARC) to share with other users in your organization. For more information, see Assurance Report Cards.
Before you begin:
Add an ARC, as described in Add a Template-Based Assurance Report Card or Add a Custom Assurance Report Card.
To export an Assurance Report Card:
Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.
Click Dashboard > Assurance Report Cards.
The Assurance Report Cards page appears.
In the Options drop-down menu, click Manage ARCs.
The Manage Assurance Report Cards page appears.
To export a single ARC:
In the table, right-click the row for the ARC you want to export.
The actions menu appears.
To export multiple ARCs:
In the table, select the check box for each ARC you want to export.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
Click Export.
The export options appear.
Click the export option you want to use:
Keep All References
Export the ARC with object references intact.
Users who meet the following requirements can use an imported ARC with intact object references:
The user must be in the same organization as the user who exported the ARC.
The user must have access to all relevant objects in the ARC.
Remove All References
Export the ARC with object references removed, altering the definitions of the components.
Any user can use an imported ARC with object references removed.
Replace With Placeholders
Export the ARC with object references replaced with their respective names.
Users must replace the placeholder names with applicable objects available to their organization in order to use an imported ARC with placeholder names.
Export the ARC as a template.
Tenable Security Center exports the ARC as an .xml file.