Export a Scan Policy
Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Administrator or organizational user with appropriate permissions. For more information, see User Roles.
Note: Exported scan policies are not backwards-compatible. For example, If you are running Tenable Security Center 6.1.0 or later and you export a scan policy, you can only import the scan policy into another instance of Tenable Security Center 6.1.0 or later.
You can export a scan policy as a .nessus file and import it to another Tenable Security Center to use in an active scan configuration.
In some cases, Tenable Support may also ask you to export a scan policy for troubleshooting.
Note: Exported scan policy files do not include audit files or credentials. You can re-configure audit files and credentials you want to use with the scan policy on the Tenable Security Center where you import the scan policy. For more information, see Audit Files and Credentials.
For more information, see Scan Policies.
Before you begin:
Add a scan policy, as described in Add a Scan Policy.
Confirm your PHP Serialization Mode setting is set to PHP Serialization ON. For more information, see Use the Security section to define the Tenable Security Center user interface login parameters and options for account logins. You can also configure banners, headers, and classification headers and footers..
To export a scan policy:
Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.
Click Scanning > Policies (administrator users) or Scans > Policies (organizational users).
The Policies page appears.
To export a single scan policy:
In the table, right-click the row for the scan policy you want to export.
The actions menu appears.
To export multiple scan policies:
In the table, select the check box for each scan policy you want to export.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
Click Export.
Tenable Security Center exports the scan policy as a .xml file.
What to do next:
Do any of the following:
- Import the scan policy into another Tenable Security Center, as described in Import a Scan Policy.
- If Tenable Support requested a scan policy file for troubleshooting, share the scan policy file with Tenable Support.