View Tenable One Data Synchronization Logs
Required Additional License: Tenable Lumin
Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Administrator
After you configure Tenable Security Center data synchronization to Tenable One in Tenable Vulnerability Management, you can view the logs for past synchronizations.
For information about monitoring Tenable One synchronization status, see View Tenable One Synchronization Status.
To view Tenable One synchronization logs:
Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.
In the left navigation, click System > Tenable One Data.
The Tenable One Data page appears.
In the History section, view data about your logged activity.
The date and time of the logged activity, including the day of the week, the date, and the time.
For example, Tue, 05 Mar 2024 15:42:00.
Object Type
The synchronization data type.
Sync Type
The repository or asset synchronization type:
Cumulative repository synchronization — The initial synchronization of this repository, which included all cumulative database data from the repository.
Active repository synchronization — A subsequent synchronization of this repository, which included only the new or modified scan result data imported to the repository.
Static asset — A synchronization of Static Assets.
Dynamic asset — A synchronization of Dynamic Assets.
Delete host - A synchronization of deleted Host Assets.
Unknown — Indicates an error occurred.
Object ID
The repository ID, asset ID, or host UUID. To locate the ID or UUID for an object, see View Repository Details, View Asset Details, or View Host Details.
Transfer Duration
For repository or asset synchronizations, the length of time it took Tenable Security Center to transfer your repository or asset data to Tenable Vulnerability Management. For host asset deletion synchronizations, the length of time it took Tenable Vulnerability Management to delete the host asset after the host was deleted in Tenable Security Center.
Note: The transfer duration does not include the time required for all data and recalculated metrics to appear in Tenable One. For more information, see How long does synchronization take to complete?.
The status of the repository or asset synchronization:
Error — Tenable Security Center failed to transfer your data to Tenable Vulnerability Management.
Synchronized — Tenable Security Center successfully transferred your data to Tenable Vulnerability Management.
For more information about the time required for all data and recalculated metrics to appear in Tenable One, see How long does synchronization take to complete?.
To view additional details about your logged activity, click a row in the table.
Repository or asset Message
A message explaining the reason for the synchronization Error status.
Repository or asset Organization ID
The organization ID. To locate the ID for an organization, see View Organization Details.
Repository Scan Result ID
The scan result ID. To locate the ID for a scan result, see View Scan Result Details.