Export Vulnerability Data
Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Organizational user with appropriate permissions. For more information, see User Roles.
You can export data from the Vulnerabilities page as a .csv or a .pdf file.
To export data from the Vulnerabilities page:
Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.
Click Analysis > Vulnerabilities.
The Vulnerabilities page appears.
In the Export drop-down box, click Export > Export as CSV or Export as PDF.
Note: If the record count (rows displayed) of any CSV export is greater than 1,000, Tenable Security Center prompts you for the name of the CSV report you want to generate. After generation, you can download the report from the Report Results page.
Select or clear the check boxes to indicate which columns you want to appear in the exported file.
Click Submit.
Tenable Security Center exports the vulnerability data.