Download Tenable Nessus Scanner Logs

Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Administrator

You can download a log file for Tenable Nessus scanners managed by Tenable Security Center. The Tenable Nessus scanner must be running version 8.0.0 or later to send logs to Tenable Security Center for download.

All Tenable Nessus scanner logs include:

  • Recent Tenable Nessus log data

  • System information (operating system version, CPU statistics, available memory, available disk space, etc.)

  • Troubleshooting data

If you include extended logs, the system also downloads recent Tenable Nessus web server log records, system log data, and network configuration information.

To download logs for a Tenable Nessus scanner:

  1. Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.

  2. Click Resources > Nessus Scanners.

    The Nessus Scanners page appears.

  3. Right-click the row for the scanner for which you want to download logs.

    The actions menu appears.


    Select the check box for the scanner for which you want to download logs.

    The available actions appear at the top of the table.

  4. Click Download Logs.

    The Download Nessus Scanner Logs window appears.

  5. To include recent Tenable Nessus web server log records, system log data, and network configuration information, click to enable the Extended Logs toggle.

  6. To hide the first two octets of IPv4 addresses within the logs, click to enable the Sanitize IPs toggle.

  7. Click Download.

    Tenable Security Center downloads the tar.gz file in your browser.

    Tip: If you use 7-Zip to extract the tar.gz file, you may see the following error message: There are some data after the end of the payload data. You can safely ignore this error.