Configure a Charts Element in a Report

Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Organizational user with appropriate permissions. For more information, see User Roles.

Charts elements in Tenable Security Center reports include:



Relevant Reports

Bar Chart

Click to add a bar chart element to the report.


Pie Chart

Click to add a pie chart element to the report.


Line Chart

Click to add a line chart element to the report.

Line charts are defined by time (x-axis) and series data (y-axis). When selecting the time, available options include Relative time and Absolute time. One or more series data elements can be chosen and displayed as discrete lines for easy comparison.


Area Chart

Click to add an area chart element to the report.

Area charts are defined by time (x-axis) and series data (y-axis). When selecting the time, available options include Relative time and Absolute time. One or more series data elements can be chosen and displayed as a stackable view for easy comparison.


To configure a chart element in a report:

  1. In the left navigation, click Reporting > Reports.

    The Reports page appears.

  2. In the reports table, click the name of the report you want to edit.


    Right-click the row for the report you want to edit, and click Edit.

    The Edit Report page appears.

  3. On the left side of the page, click Definition.

    The report outline appears. This outline is, by default, expanded. For more information, see Edit a Report Outline.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click the edit icon next to an existing chart element.

      Tip: To display Add Element and the edit icon, hover the cursor over the element.

  5. For all charts, configure the General options:

    Option Action
    Name Type a name for the element.
    Location Select a location for the element in the report.
    Style Select a style for the element.
  6. For bar charts and pie charts, configure the following Data options:

    Option Action
    Type Equivalent to the option the Definition option of the same name in Report Options.
  7. For line charts and area charts, configure the following Data options:

    Option Action
    Data Type Valid values are Relative and Absolute. Use to configure the x-axis of the chart.
    Data Range

    Use to configure the x-axis of the chart:

    • If you select Relative for Data Type, select a relative date range.
    • If you select Absolute for Data Type, select a specific start and end date for the data.
    Series Use to configure the y-axis of the chart. Line charts and area charts require that you configure at least one series.
  8. For bar charts and pie charts, configure the following Display options:

    Option Action
    Results Displayed Equivalent to the Display option of the same name in Report Options.
    Sort Column
    Sort Direction
    Display Columns
  9. Click Submit to save your changes to the element.

  10. Click Submit to save your changes to the report.