Upload a Server Certificate for Tenable Security Center
Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Root user
For information about Tenable Security Center server certificates, see Tenable Security Center Server Certificates.
Before you begin:
Save your new server certificate and key files as host.crt and host.key.
To upload a server certificate for Tenable Security Center:
Log in to Tenable Security Center via the user interface.
Back up the existing SecurityCenter.crt and SecurityCenter.key files located in the /opt/sc/support/conf directory.
For example:
# cp /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.crt /tmp/SecurityCenter.crt.bak
# cp /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.key /tmp/SecurityCenter.key.bak
To rename the host.crt and host.key files and copy them to the /opt/sc/support/conf directory, run:
# cp host.crt /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.crt
# cp host.key /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.key
If prompted, type y to overwrite the existing files.
To confirm the files have the correct permissions (640) and ownership (tns), run:
# ls -l /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.crt
-rw-r---- 1 tns tns 4389 May 15 15:12 SecurityCenter.crt
# ls -l /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.key
-rw-r---- 1 tns tns 887 May 15 15:12 SecurityCenter.key
Note: If an intermediate certificate is required, it must also be copied to the system and given the correct permissions (640) and ownership (tns). Additionally, you must remove the # from the line in /opt/sc/support/conf/vhostssl.conf that begins with #SSLCertificateChainFile to enable the setting. Modify the path and filename to match the uploaded certificate.
If necessary, change the ownership or permissions.
To change the ownership, run:
# chown tns:tns /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.crt\
# chown tns:tns /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.key
To change the permissions, run:
# chmod 640 /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.crt
# chmod 640 /opt/sc/support/conf/SecurityCenter.key
Restart the Tenable Security Center service:
# service SecurityCenter restart
In a browser, log in to the Tenable Security Center user interface as a user with administrator permissions.
When prompted, verify the new certificate details.
What to do next:
If you uploaded a self-signed server certificate and plugin 51192 reports that the CA for your self-signed certificate is untrusted, upload the custom CA certificate to Tenable Nessus.