12.1: Maintain an Inventory of Network Boundaries

Sub-control 12.1 states that you must maintain an up-to-date inventory of all of the organization’s network boundaries.

Asset Type Security Function Implementation Groups
Network Identify 1, 2, 3


  • Sub-control 1.4: Maintain Detailed Asset Inventory
  • Sub-control 1.5: Maintain Asset Inventory Information


  1. Device inventory: An inventory of expected boundary devices (M1) as derived from the endpoint inventory (sub-control 1.4).


  1. Utilize a discovery tool or process to examine the network topology. Then, collect the list of devices that are considered boundary devices (M2).

  2. Evaluate the difference between I1 and Operation 1 to get the list of non-inventoried boundary devices (M3).


Measure Definition
M1 = List of expected network boundary devices

A list of expected network boundary devices.

M2 = Count of items in M1

A count of the total number of items in M1.

M3 = List of discovered network boundary devices A list of discovered network boundary devices.
M4 = Count of items in M3 A count of the total number of items in M3.
M5 = List of non-inventoried boundary devices A list of non-inventoried boundary devices.
M6 = Count of items in M5 A count of the total number of items in M5.



Metric Calculation
The ratio of non-inventoried boundary devices compared to expected boundary devices. If the calculated value is greater than zero, the inventory is not current. M6 / M2