Manage Dashboards
Required User Role: Organizational user with appropriate permissions. For more information, see User Roles.
For more information, see Dashboards.
To manage dashboards:
Log in to Tenable Security Center Director via the user interface.
Click Dashboard.
The Dashboards page appears.
In the upper-right corner of the page, click the Options drop-down button.
Click Manage Dashboards
The Manage Dashboards page appears.
To add a dashboard, click Add. For more information, see Add a Template-Based Dashboard or Add a Custom Dashboard.
To filter the dashboards in the table, see Apply a Filter.
To manage a single dashboard, right-click the dashboard.
To manage multiple dashboards, select the check box for the dashboard.
The actions menu appears.
From this menu, you can:
Click View to view details for the dashboard.
Click Share to share or revoke access to the dashboard.
Click Export to download an XML version of the dashboard.
Click Copy to copy the dashboard.
Click Edit to edit the dashboard.
Click Hide from Dashboard to hide the dashboard from the Switch Dashboard drop-down on the Dashboards page.
Click Show on Dashboard to show the dashboard on the Switch Dashboard drop-down on the Dashboards page.
Click Delete to delete the dashboard.

Click Export.
Then, identify how you want Tenable Security Center to handle object references:
Remove All References – all object references are removed, altering the definitions of the components. Importing users do not need to make any changes for components to be useable.
Keep All References – object references are kept intact. Importing users must be in the same organization and have access to all relevant objects for the components to be useable.
Replace With Placeholders – object references are removed and replaced with their respective names. Importing users see the name of the reference object, but need to replace it with an applicable object within their organization before the component is useable.
Note: Due to version-specific changes in dashboard XML file formats, exported dashboards are not always compatible for import between Tenable Security Center Director versions.