Manage Scan Results
Required Tenable Security Center User Role: Administrator or organizational user with appropriate permissions. For more information, see User Roles.
Depending on the state of a scan result, you can perform different management actions (for example, you cannot download results for a scan with errors).
For more information, see Scan Results.
To manage scan results:
Log in to Tenable Security Center Director via the user interface.
Click Scan Results (administrator users) or Scans > Scan Results (organizational users).
The Scan Results page appears.
Manage the results:
To filter the scan results:
Click the filter icon.
Filters allow you to view only desired scan results. Filter parameters include:
Access - filters by whether the scan is manageable or usable.
Group - filters by the groups that can access the scans.
Name - filters by the scan name.
Owner - filters by the scan owner.
Scan Policy - filters by the scan policy.
Status - filters by the scan status.
Time (Created) - filters by when the scan result was created.
Time (Finished) - filters by when the scan finished running.
Type - filters by the type of scan.
To remove all filters:
Under the filter options, click Clear Filters.
Note: To return to the default filter for your user account, refresh your browser window. The number in grey next to the filter displays how many filters are currently in use.
To view a set of scan results:
Right-click the row for the scan.
The actions menu appears.
Select the check box for the scan.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
Select Browse.
The Vulnerability Summary analysis tool appears, populated with data from the scan.
To view scan result details for a set of scan results:
Right-click the row for the scan.
The actions menu appears.
Select the check box for the scan.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
Click View.
The View Scan Result page appears. For more information, see Scan Result Details.
To retrieve a scan result from a managed Tenable Security Center instance:
Right-click the row for a Partial or Completed scan that is Not Synced.
The actions menu appears.
Select the check box for a Partial or Completed scan that is Not Synced.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
Click Retrieve.
Tenable Security Center Director imports the scan result.
Note: By default, Tenable Security Center Director retains scan results from managed Tenable Security Center instances for 30 days. For more information, see Data expiration determines how long Tenable Security Center retains closed tickets, scan results, and report results..
To download the results of a scan:
Right-click the row for the scan.
The actions menu appears.
Select the check box for the scan.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
Select Download.
Tip: On a standard scan, you can download a Tenable Nessus results file. If the scan contains SCAP results, you can use an additional option to download the SCAP results.
To send a copy of the scan results to users without access to Tenable Security Center:
Right-click the row for the scan.
The actions menu appears.
Select the check box for the scan.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
- Select Email.
To generate a report for the scan results based off a preconfigured report:
Right-click the row for the scan.
The actions menu appears.
Select the check box for the scan.
The available actions appear at the top of the table.
Select Send to Report.
Tenable Security Center Director sends the scan results to a report.
To upload Tenable Nessus scan results performed by other systems:
- See Upload Scan Results.
To pause or resume a running scan:
In the row for the scan, click the pause or play button, as described in Start or Pause a Scan.