View Managed Tenable Security Center Instances

Required Tenable Security Center Director User Role: Administrator

You can view an overview of basic information about your managed Tenable Security Center instances from Tenable Security Center Director. To view more details about an instance, see View Managed Tenable Security Center Instance Details.

For more information about using Tenable Security Center Director to monitor your Tenable Security Center instances, see Tenable Security Center Director Deployments.

To view a list of your managed Tenable Security Center instances:

  1. Log in to Tenable Security Center Director via the user interface.

  2. Click Managed Instances.

    The Tenable Security Center Instances page appears.

  3. View the following information about each managed Tenable Security Center instance:

    • Name — The name of the instance.

    • IP/FQDN — The IP address of the instance.

    • Version — The version of Tenable Security Center running on the instance.

    • Status — The status of the scanners on the instance.



      Recommended Action


      All of the scanners configured on the managed Tenable Security Center instance are Working.


      x/y Scanners Available

      Only some of the scanners configured on the managed Tenable Security Center instance are Working. The status label shows the number of Working scanners compared to the total number of scanners on the managed Tenable Security Center instance.

      Review your scanner statuses to identify the scanners with issues, as described in View Your Nessus Scanners. Then, follow the recommended actions to resolve the issues, as described in Tenable Nessus Scanner Statuses.

      Connection Error

      Tenable Security Center Director cannot communicate with the managed Tenable Security Center instance.


      Protocol Error

      The provided credentials for the Tenable Security Center instance are invalid.

      Edit the managed Tenable Security Center instance in Tenable Security Center Director to add a valid API Access Key and Secret Key for the managed Tenable Security Center instance. To generate a new API access key and secret key for the Tenable Security Center instance, see Generate API Keys in the Tenable Security Center User Guide.

    • Scanners — The number of available scanners compared to the total number of scanners on the managed Tenable Security Center instance.

    • Last Sync — The date and time Tenable Security Center Director successfully synchronized with the managed Tenable Security Center instance. Tenable Security Center Director syncs with managed Tenable Security Center instances every 15 minutes.