Report Options
In Tenable Security Center, you can configure the options described below for both custom and template reports. For information on how to create reports, see Create a Custom Report and Create a Template Report.
The option descriptions on this page are grouped as they appear on the Add Report and Edit Report pages. In the options tables, the Relevant Reports column specifies which report types use each option.
Note: Tenable Security Center classifies a template-based report as a PDF report. You can configure the same options for that report as you can for a PDF report.
During template report creation, Tenable Security Center set these options to default values. You can change these options for a template report only after creation is complete.
Option |
Description |
Relevant Reports |
Name |
Name assigned to the report. |
Any |
Description |
Descriptive text for the report. |
Any |
Schedule |
Determines how often the report runs. Options are On Demand, Now, Once, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. When you select a frequency from the drop-down box, Tenable Security Center displays additional options for the selected time frame. |
Any |
Attribute Sets |
Predefined operational attributes that add required information to DISA ARF, DISA Consolidated ARF, or CyberScope report types. The drop-down box displays only the attribute set defined for the report you are currently creating. |
DISA ARF, DISA Consolidated ARF, CyberScope |
ASR Content |
When creating a report, this drop-down box offers a selection of Benchmark, IAVM, CVE, or Plugin ID to be included. |
DISA ASR, DISA Consolidated ARF |
ASR Record Format |
This drop-down box determines the format (Summary or Detail) of the DISA ASR report. |
Include ARF |
When enabled, allows for the inclusion of a DISA attribute set for the report. |
Benchmarks |
Benchmarks are generated after a scan using certain audit files that have been successfully run against at least one target system. |
DISA ASR, DISA Consolidated ARF, CyberScope |
Option |
Description |
Relevant Reports |
Style |
A compound value that specifies the report style, paper size, and orientation. For example, Plain, Letter Report styles include:
Note: If an administrator configured a Classification Type banner, plain report styles are the only options listed. Paper sizes include:
Orientation options include:
Include Cover Page |
Include a cover page in the report. Cover pages include:
Include Header |
Include a predefined header in the report. |
Include Footer |
Include a predefined footer in the report. |
Include Table of Contents |
Include a table of contents with the report. |
Include Index |
Include an Index with the report. |
Specifies which image to use for the lower-left footer logo on the cover page of the report. The default logo is the Tenable logo. To add a custom logo, see Report Images. Note: The Plain report style suppresses this footer logo on the cover page. |
Specifies which image to use for the lower-left footer logo on all pages except the cover page. The default logo is the Tenable logo. To add a custom logo, see Report Images. |
Watermark |
Specifies a watermark for each page of the report. The default is no watermark. To add a custom watermark, see Report Images. |
Encrypt PDF |
Protect the PDF with a password and 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption. When enabled, the Password text box appears. Enter a password to use to open the report and view its contents. |
Tenable Security Center displays definition options relevant to the report or report element type.
Option |
Description |
Relevant Reports |
Add Chapter |
The primary component in the report organization. Chapters are listed in the table of contents for the report and consist of sections and elements. For more information, see Add a Custom Chapter to a Report and Edit a Report Outline. |
Add Template Chapter |
A predefined chapter from a Tenable-provided report template. For more information, see Add a Template Chapter to a Report. |
Query |
A list of predefined queries you can use to retrieve data for the report. For more information, see Queries. |
CSV, DISA ARF, DISA Consolidated ARF, DISA ASR, CyberScope; Iterator, Table, and Chart elements in PDF |
Type | The type of data to include in the report. | CSV; Iterator, Table, and Chart elements in PDF |
Source |
The source of the data to include in the report. For CSV reports, valid values for this field differ based on the setting of the Type option:
For DISA ARF, DISA Consolidated ARF, and DISA ASR reports, you do not set the Type option. Valid Source values are limited to Cumulative and Individual Scan, which operate in the same way as they do for CSV reports. |
CSV, DISA ARF, DISA Consolidated ARF, DISA ASR, CyberScope; Iterator, Table, and Chart elements in PDF |
Tool | Select the tool Tenable Security Center uses to analyze the data in the report. | CSV; Iterator, Table, and Chart elements in PDF |
Filters |
Specifies additional criteria to refine report data. For more information, see Manage Filter Components for a Non-Chapter Report. |
CSV, DISA ARF, DISA Consolidated ARF, DISA ASR, CyberScope; Iterator, Table, and Chart elements in PDF |
Find/Update Filters |
This option appears after you add at least one chapter to the report. For more information, see Manage Filter Components for Multiple Elements. |
These options allow you to specify column format information format. A selection to define the columns and number of results to appear in the report is then available for configuration.
Option |
Description |
Relevant Reports |
Results Displayed |
The number of results included in the CSV file. |
CSV; Iterator, Table, Bar Chart, and Pie Chart elements in PDF |
Sort Column |
The column that Tenable Security Center uses to sort results in the CSV file. Available columns depend on:
CSV; Iterator, Table, Bar Chart, and Pie Chart elements in PDF |
Sort Direction | The sort direction for results in the CSV file. | CSV; Iterator, Table, Bar Chart, and Pie Chart elements in PDF |
Display Columns |
The columns included in the results file. Available columns depend on Definition options you select. Tip: The Display Columns appear in the results file in the order in which you select them. |
CSV; Iterator, Table, Bar Chart, and Pie Chart elements in PDF |
Distribution options specify the actions Tenable Security Center takes when a report run completes.
Option |
Description |
Relevant Reports |
Email Users |
Select Tenable Security Center users to whom Tenable Security Center emails the completed report. The drop-down list includes only users with defined email addresses. |
Any |
Email Addresses (cc) | Add CC email addresses where Tenable Security Center emails the completed report. You can specify multiple email addresses, separated by commas. | Any |
Email Addresses (bcc) | Add Bcc email addresses where Tenable Security Center emails the completed report. You can specify multiple email addresses, separated by commas. | Any |
Share |
Allows you to select which Tenable Security Center users within your organization can view the completed report in Tenable Security Center. Use this option if organizational policies prohibit emailing potentially sensitive data. |
Any |
Publishing Sites |
Allows you to select predefined publishing sites where Tenable Security Center uploads the completed report. For more information, see Publishing Sites Settings. |
Any |