Download Debugging Logs

Required User Role: Administrator

You can download debugging logs for troubleshooting with Tenable Support.

Before you begin:

To download debugging logs:

  1. Log in to Tenable Security Center Director via the user interface.

  2. In the left navigation, click System > Diagnostics.

    The Diagnostics page appears.

  3. In the Download Debugging Logs section, click Collect Log Files.

    Tenable Security Center generates the debugging log files you selected.

  4. Click Download Debug File.

    The debugging logs download.

What to do next:

  • Share the files with Tenable Support.

  • Disable any debugging logs as needed, as described in Disable Debugging Logs.

    Note: Tenable does not recommend leaving debugging enabled on Tenable Security Center Director after you send the log files to Tenable Support. You may experience performance and storage issues if you leave debugging enabled for extended periods of time.

    Note: Collected debug logs contained in the debug archive are automatically deleted during the scheduled nightly cleanup.