View OT Security Sensor Logs

If you experience an issue during the OT Security Sensor installation process or an issue with the OT Security Sensor service, you can view the logs to access more troubleshooting information.

To view logs for OT Security Sensor:

  1. Log in to Tenable Core via the user interface, as described in Log In to Tenable Core.

    The Tenable Core web user interface page appears.

  2. In the left navigation bar, click Tenable.ot Sensor.

    The Tenable.ot Sensor page appears. The logs are located at the bottom of the page.

  3. (Optional) To filter the logs that appear, select values at the bottom of the OT Security Sensor page for one or more of the following filters:

    • Time Range
    • Severity
    • Service

OT Security Sensor filters the logs based on your selected filter.