Deploy Tenable Core in Microsoft Azure via the CLI

It is typically simplest to create and configure Tenable Core + Tenable Sensor Proxy using the Microsoft Azure portal, as described in Deploy Tenable Core in Microsoft Azure via the Portal.

In some cases, you may prefer to use the Microsoft Azure command line interface (CLI) to deploy Tenable Core in Azure.

Before you begin:

To deploy a Tenable Core + Tenable Sensor Proxy virtual machine via the Azure CLI:

  1. In a text editor, open a new file.
  2. If you want Tenable Core + Tenable Sensor Proxy  to link automatically to Tenable Vulnerability Management on first boot, copy and paste the following configuration variables:



    # Link Sensor Proxy to


        - /opt/sensor_proxy/sbin/sidecar

        - -link

        - -key

        - "your TVM linking key"

  3. Save and close the configuration file.
  4. Log in to the Azure CLI.
  5. In the Azure CLI, run the az vm create command to deploy the file, using the following variables:

    az vm create --size <The size of your virtual machine> --image --resource-group <Your resource group name> --location <Your location (for example, eastus)> --name <The name you want to call your VM > --admin-username <The username for your Tenable Core administrator><Your Tenable Vulnerability Management username> --admin-password <The password for your Tenable Core administrator><Your Tenable Vulnerability Management password>--custom-data <The file path to your configuration file>

    Tip: For more information about the Azure CLI, see the Microsoft Azure CLI Documentation.

    The system deploys your Tenable Core + Tenable Sensor Proxy virtual machine.

What to do next:

  • Continue getting started with Tenable Core + Tenable Sensor Proxy, as described in Get Started.