Clone a Dispute to an Attestation

Required User Role: Administrator and Custom Role

You can clone a dispute from a previously submitted attestation for use in a new attestation.

Note: When you clone a dispute from an attestation, any other disputes attached to the same attestation are deleted.

  1. Access the Tenable PCI ASV Workbench.

  2. Click the In Remediation tab.

    A table of your attestation requests appears.

  3. Click the attestation that has a dispute you want to clone into a previously submitted attestation.

    The Attestation Detail page appears.

  4. In the upper-right corner, click Clone Disputes.

    The Clone Disputes page appears.

    Note: Only attestations that you previously submitted for ASV validation appear in the table.

  5. Click the row that contains the attestation disputes you want to clone.

    The Disputes to Clone plane appears and displays the disputes that will be cloned from the attestation.

  6. Click Clone.

    A Disputes successfully cloned message appears and Tenable PCI ASV clones the dispute.