Respond to an ASV Review Information Request

Required User Role: Administrator and Custom Role

If you have any disputed failures in your attestation request when you submit the attestation for ASV review, the ASV reviewer may ask for additional information.

You can respond to the reviewer directly in the dispute.

Before you begin:

To respond to an information request:

  1. Access the Tenable PCI ASV Workbench.

  2. Click the In ASV Review tab.

    A table of your attestation requests appears.

  3. Locate the attestation that has an Information Provided icon next to the Owner.
  4. Click the attestation.

    The Attestation Details page appears.

  5. Click the Disputes tab.

    A table of your disputes appears.

  6. Click the dispute that has an Information Provided icon next to the reason.

    The dispute details page appears.

  7. In the Explanation section, view the question or comment the ASV reviewer submitted.
  8. Do one of the following:

    • To submit a text-based response to the ASV reviewer, in the Explanation section, in the text box, type your response.
    • To add a file as evidence to support your dispute:
      1. In the Evidence section, click Add File.

        An explorer window appears.

      2. Select the file you want to add to your dispute.

        Note: Tenable PCI ASV does not restrict the file types you add to a dispute. Additionally, when you upload a file as evidence, Tenable PCI ASV automatically saves the file to the dispute before you click Save or Cancel.

      3. (Optional) To add more files to the dispute, repeat the previous step.

        Note: You can add as many files as you want to a dispute as long as the total file size does not exceed 10 GB.

  9. Click Save.

    A Dispute Successfully Submitted notification momentarily appears.

    Tenable PCI ASV submits your response to the ASV reviewer.

    Note: You cannot edit or delete a response after you submit it to the ASV reviewer.

  10. Repeat steps 6-9 for each dispute in the Disputes tab that has an Information Requested icon next to the reason.