HTTP Server Authentication Settings in Tenable Web App Scanning Scans

In a Tenable Web App Scanning scan, you can configure the following settings for HTTP server-based authentication credentials.

Option Action
Username Type the username Tenable Web App Scanning uses to authenticate to the HTTP-based server.
Password Type the password Tenable Web App Scanning uses to authenticate to the HTTP-based server.
Authentication Type

In the drop-down list, select one of the following authentication types:

  • Basic/Digest
  • NTLM
  • Kerberos
Kerberos Domain (Required when enabling the Kerberos Authentication Type) The realm to which Kerberos Target Authentication belongs, if applicable.
Key Distribution Center (KDC) (Required when enabling the Kerberos Authentication Type) This host supplies the session tickets for the user.
Note: Tenable Web App Scanning does not support multiple HTTP authentication types for a single target.