14.6: Protect Information Through Access Control Lists

Sub-control 14.6 states that you must leverage the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt wireless data in transit.

Asset Type Security Function Implementation Groups
Date Protect 1, 2, 3


  • Sub-control 1.4: Maintain Detailed Asset Inventory

  • Sub-control 1.5: Maintain Asset Inventory Information

  • Sub-control 5.1: Establish Secure Configurations


  1. Endpoint Inventory: The list of all endpoints.

  2. Access control configuration policy: The organizationally defined access control configuration policy.


  1. For each endpoint in I1, collect the “ground truth” access policy for that endpoint and compare it to the access control configuration policy in I2. Generate a list of endpoints which comply with the specified access control configuration policy (M1) and a list of endpoints that do not comply with the specified policy (M2).


Measure Definition
M1 = List of endpoints that comply with access control configuration policy (compliant list)

A list of endpoints that comply with the access control configuration policy.

M2 = List of endpoints that do not comply with access control configuration policy (non-compliant list) A list of endpoints that do not comply with the access control configuration policy.

M3 = Count of items in M1

A count of the total number of items in M1.

M4 = Count of items in M2 A count of the total number of items in M2.
M5 = Count of endpoints in I1 (total number of endpoints to check) A count of all the endpoints in I1.



Metric Calculation
The percentage of endpoints which are compliant with the organization’s access control policy. M3 / M5