User Access

The Users page provides the ability to add, edit, delete, or view the details of Tenable Security Center Director user accounts. When you view the Users page, you see a list of users and actions, limited by your account privileges. Your user role, organization membership, and/or group membership determine your account privileges. For more information, see User Roles and Organizations and Groups.

There are two categories of user accounts:

  • Administrator users have the system-provided administrator role and do not belong to organizations.
  • Organizational users have the system-provided security manager, auditor, credential manager, executive, security analyst, security manager, or vulnerability analyst role, or a custom role, and belong to an organization.

Tenable Security Center Director supports three types of user account authentication: TNS, LDAP, and SAML. For more information, see User Accounts.

To log in to the Tenable Security Center Director web interface with a user account, see Log In to the Web Interface or Log in to the Web Interface via SSL Client Certificate.