
You can create reports in Tenable Security Center Director to share data with users in other organizations. For more information about which users can access what data, see Tenable Security Center Architecture.

Tenable provides reporting through an assortment of report templates and customizable report formats, including PDF and CSV.

Custom CyberScope, DISA ASR, and DISA ARF reports are also available for specialized needs. An administrator user must enable report generation options before organizational users can generate reports with CyberScope, DISA ASR, or DISA ARF data.

Custom CyberScope, DISA ASR, DISA ARF, and DISA Consolidated ARF reports are also available for specialized needs. An administrator user must enable report generation options before organizational users can generate reports with CyberScope, DISA ASR, DISA ARF, or DISA Consolidated ARF data.

In Tenable Security Center Director, organizational users can create custom reports or template-based reports, as described in Create a Custom Report or Create a Template Report.

Note: To create custom PDF reports and template-based reports, you must install either the Oracle Java JRE or OpenJDK (along with their accompanying dependencies) on the system hosting the Tenable Security Center.

Tip: Tenable provides report templates through the Tenable Security Center feed. For a complete index of Tenable-provided report templates, see the Tenable Security Center Report Templates blog.

For more information, see: