Copy a Scan Configuration
Required Scan Permissions: Owner
When you copy a scan configuration, Tenable Vulnerability Management assigns you owner permissions for the copy and assigns the copy scan permissions from the original scan.
Note: You cannot copy a scan from the Remediation Scans folder.
To copy a scan configuration:
In the left navigation, click
The Scans page appears.
Below Scans, choose to view Vulnerability Management Scans or Web Application Scans.
In the Folders section, click a folder to load the scans you want to view.
The scans table updates to display the scans in the folder you selected.
In the scans table, roll over the scan you want to copy.
In the row, click the
A menu appears.
Click Copy.
The Copy to Folder plane appears, which contains a list of your scan folders.
Click the folder where you want to save the copy.
Click Copy.
Tenable Vulnerability Management creates a copy of the scan with Copy of prepended to the name and assigns you owner permissions for the copy. The copy appears in the scans table of the folder you selected.