Start Using OT Security
After installation, you can configure and use OT Security.

Configure the network segments for OT Security to monitor and ensure to include all areas pertinent to your network. See Monitored Networks.

If you have not yet done so, you can choose to Separate the Management and Active Query Ports.

Set your Local Users and User Groups. You can configure External Authentication Servers or utilize SAML for easier SSO login.

Add your DNS and NTP servers. You can also configure Syslog and Email Servers to retrieve all critical events.

Active Queries represent one of the primary benefits of OT Security. They allow you to access your assets directly to obtain the most accurate and near real-time details and visibility. For more information, see Active Queries.
Active Asset Discovery — Proactively probe and discover silent assets or those that passive monitoring traffic do not cover.

Configure Nessus Scans for IT devices in your OT Security network. Tenable Nessus scans are secure and only impact discovered IT assets. For more information, see Configure Nessus Plugin Scans.

Configure periodic system backups and choose to save them locally or export to a remote storage. For more information, see Application Data Backup and Restore.

Make sure to check feed and system updates. If your system is offline, make sure to do a manual update periodically. For more information, see Updates.

When OT Security is up and running, look at the generated events and optimize your policies according to your environment requirements.

Integrate OT Security with other Tenable products or third-party services. For more information, Integrations.