Frequently Asked Questions
Can I create a custom field in the Tenable Plugin for JIRA?
No, Tenable strongly advises that you do not create any custom fields in the JIRA project used to sync to Tenable vulnerabilities. This prevents an override or collide with our custom fields.
Can I create a custom workflow in the Tenable Plugin for JIRA?
No, you cannot create a custom workflow because the plugin automatically closes tickets based on the workflow statuses.
Will I get updates for manually deleted or moved JIRA tickets?
If you manually delete or move a JIRA ticket (Vulnerability or Vulnerable Host), you may not get updates for future events that occur for that same vulnerability.
Where do I look if I encounter an issue?
Refer to the log file located at /var/atlassian/application-data/jira/log/Atlassian-jira.log.
The Plugin page in JIRA states "This add-on is not compatible with your current Jira version." How do I correct this?
Install the correct Tenable plugin for your JIRA version. The version compatibility for your Tenable plugin and JIRA version is located on the Prerequisites page.
Can I make certain fields required for the tickets the integration creates?
No. The Tenable Plugin for JIRA does not fill out every field every time. You must configure tickets the Tenable Plugin for JIRA interacts with to have no required fields.