VR Configuration and Schedule Import

This section describes how to configure OT Security for VR.

Note: The OT Security for VR application supports only OT Security.

The VR integration configuration allows ServiceNow to poll and retrieve vulnerability data from Tenable.

Before you begin:

  • In ServiceNow, you must have an account that has the x_tsirm_tio_vr.admin role to complete the setup.
  • Configure the Tenable Connector

    Note: Completely configure and tune Service Graph Connector for Tenable for Assets to match Tenable Assets with ServiceNow CIs. If you do not do this first, issues may occur with VR.

Third-Party Vulnerabilities

To view third-party vulnerabilities:

  • Navigate to Vulnerability Response > Libraries > Third-Party.

    Vulnerabilities that include TEN- were imported from OT Security. Click a vulnerability to view the details.

    Note: The bottom of the page includes vulnerability items and lists of CVE information linked during the import.

Vulnerable Items (Linked Vulnerability and Configuration Items)

To view vulnerable items:

  • Navigate to Vulnerability Response > Vulnerable Items.

    Vulnerabilities that include TEN- were imported from OT Security. Click a vulnerability to view the details.

    Note: Text boxes are disabled for closed vulnerable items. In the Notes section, you can view information about why the item is closed.