Tenable Core Offline ISO Updates (Q4 2022)
These release notes summarize updates made to Tenable Core in Q4 2022. Downloading and installing the most recent version of the offline ISO image initiates these updates on your Tenable Core machine.
Tip: Tenable recommends applying all offline updates, in order, to your offline Tenable Core machine. Do not skip offline updates.
To update using the Tenable Core offline ISO image, see the documentation for your application:
- Tenable Core + Tenable Nessus
- Tenable Core + Tenable Nessus Network Monitor
- Tenable Core + Tenable Security Center
- Tenable Core + Tenable Web App Scanning
Note: To update Tenable Core + OT Security using the offline ISO image, contact Tenable Support.
For more information about product updates, see the release notes for your application.
New Features and Changed Functionality
November 2022
The Tenable.ot Sensor user interface allows specifying Active Sensor interfaces. See the Core + Tenable.ot documentation for details.
The Tenable.ot Sensor user interface now allows specifying the passive-scanning network interface - useful when multiple interfaces are combined into a bond interface.
Fixed an issue where Tenable Security Center Configuration Only backups would fail on systems with a large number of files in /opt/sc.
Tenable.ot sensors can now use VLAN sub-interfaces for active sensor/passive scanning provided that the sub-interfaces are named with a _ delimiter (nicx_y), rather than the default . delimiter.
December 2022
January 2023
Bug Fixes
November 2022
Tenable.ot sensors can now use VLAN sub-interfaces for active sensor/passive scanning provided that the sub-interfaces are named with a _ delimiter (nicx_y) rather than the default . delimiter.
December 2022
January 2023
Fixed a bug that prevented updated Tenable.ot sensor tunnel settings from applying to Tenable.ot ICP instances on certain upgrade paths.
Sensor Product Updates
Nessus 10.4.1
Updates References
This ISO includes the following updates:
November 2022
CESA-2022:7002 Moderate CentOS 7 java-1.8.0-openjdk Security Update
CESA-2022:7008 Moderate CentOS 7 java-11-openjdk Security Update
CESA-2022:7337 Important: kernel security and BugFix Update
December 2022
CEBA-2022:7404 CentOS 7 tzdata BugFix Update
CESA-2022:7186 Important CentOS 7 device-mapper-multipath Security Update
CESA-2022:8640 Important CentOS 7 krb5 Security Update
CEBA-2022:8785 tzdata bug fix and enhancement update
CESA-2022:8900 Important: grub2 Security Update
CEBA-2022:8947 CentOS 7 rsync BugFix Update
CEBA-2022:8949 CentOS 7 kernel BugFix Update
January 2023
CVE References
Type | Reference |
CentOS 7: java-1.8.0-openjdk (CESA-2022:7002) |
CentOS 7: java-11-openjdk (CESA-2022:7008) |
CentOS 7: device-mapper-multipath (CESA-2022:7186) |
CentOS 7 : krb5 (CESA-2022:8640) |
RHEL 7 : java-1.8.0-openjdk (RHSA-2022:7002) |
RHEL 7: java-11-openjdk (RHSA-2022:7008) |
RHEL 7: device-mapper-multipath (RHSA-2022:7186) |
RHEL 7 : kernel (RHSA-2022:7337) |
RHEL 7 : krb5 (RHSA-2022:8640) |
RHEL 7 : grub2 (RHSA-2022:8900) |