Update Tenable Core Offline

Tenable recommends applying all offline updates to your Tenable Core machine in chronological order. Do not skip offline updates. There are two methods available to perform an offline update. For information about the contents of individual offline update files, see the Tenable Core Release Notes.

Tip: For more information about updating Tenable Core, see the FAQ.

To upload a Tenable Core offline update .iso file:

  1. Navigate to the Tenable Core Offline Update ISO section of the Tenable Downloads page.
  2. Click and download the offline update .iso file.

  3. Upload the file via scp. For example:

    scp local-iso-file.iso user@host:/srv/tenablecore/offlineiso/local-iso-file.iso

    Note: The target line may vary; however, the destination must be the following path:

  4. Rename the offline update .iso file as tenable-offline-updates.iso.

    Tenable Core updates with the new .iso file.

To update Tenable Core via external media:

  1. Navigate to the Tenable Core Offline Update ISO section of the Tenable Downloads page.
  2. Click and download the offline update .iso file.

  3. Burn the ISO to media (for example, DVD-DL, BD, or thumb drive).
  4. Attach the media to a system and have it mount automatically.

    Tenable Core updates with the new .iso file.

    Note: By default, the hardening on OL8 operating systems prevents USB media from mounting. In order to use USB drives with a Tenable Core OL8 operating system, the /etc/modprobe.d/usb-storage.conf file needs to be removed from that directory.

What to do next: