Basic Settings in User-Defined Templates

Note: This topic describes Basic settings you can set in user-defined templates. For Basic settings in individual scans, see Basic Settings in Tenable Vulnerability Management Scans .

You can use Basic settings to specify basic aspects of a user-defined template, including who has access to the user-defined template.

The Basic settings include the following sections:


The general settings for a user-defined template.

Setting Default Value Description



Specifies the name of the user-defined template.



(Optional) Specifies a description of the user-defined template.


You can share the user-defined template with other users by setting permissions for users or groups. When you assign a permission to a group, that permission applies to all users within the group.

Tip: Tenable recommends assigning permissions to user groups, rather than individual users, to minimize maintenance as individual users leave or join your organization.

Permission Description
No Access

(Default user only) Groups and users set to this permission cannot interact with the scan in any way.

Can View Groups and users with this permission can view the results of the scan, export the scan results, and move the scan to the Trash folder. They cannot view the scan configuration or permanently delete the scan.
Can Execute

In addition to the tasks allowed by Can View, groups and users with this permission can launch, pause, and stop a scan. They cannot view the scan configuration or permanently delete the scan.

Note: In addition to Can Execute permissions for the scan, users running a scan must have Can Scan permissions in an access group for the specified target, or the scanner does not scan the target.

Can Edit

In addition to the tasks allowed by Can Execute, groups and users with this permission can view the scan configuration and modify any setting for the scan except scan ownership. They can also delete the scan.

Note: Only the scan owner can change scan ownership.

Note: User roles override scan permissions in the following cases:

  • A basic user cannot run a scan or configure a scan, regardless of the permissions assigned to that user in the individual scan.

  • An administrator always has the equivalent of Can Edit permissions, regardless of the permissions set for the administrator account in the individual scan. This does not apply to user-defined scan templates.


In user-defined templates, you can use Authentication settings to configure the authentication Tenable Vulnerability Management performs for credentialed scanning.

Tip: The Authentication settings are equivalent to the Scan-wide Credential Type Settings in Tenable-provided scan templates.

Setting Default Value Description
equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Plaintext Authentication >  SNMPv1/v2c

UDP Port

161 Ports where Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to authenticate on the host device.
Additional UDP port #1 161
Additional UDP port #2 161
Additional UDP port #3 161
equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Plaintext Authentication > HTTP

Login method


Specify if the login action is performed via a GET or POST request.

Re-authenticate delay (seconds)


The time delay between authentication attempts. Setting a time delay is useful to avoid triggering brute force lockout mechanisms.

Follow 30x redirections (# of levels)


If a 30x redirect code is received from a web server, this setting directs Tenable Vulnerability Management to follow the link provided or not.

Invert authenticated regex


A regex pattern to look for on the login page, that if found, tells Tenable Vulnerability Management that authentication was not successful (e.g., Authentication failed!).

Use authenticated regex on HTTP headers


Rather than search the body of a response, Tenable Vulnerability Management can search the HTTP response headers for a given regex pattern to better determine authentication state.

Case insensitive authenticated regex Disabled

he regex searches are case sensitive by default. This instructs Tenable Vulnerability Management to ignore case.

equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Plaintext Authentication > telnet/ssh/rexec
Perform patch audits over telnet Disabled Tenable Vulnerability Management uses telnet to connect to the host device for patch audits.
Perform patch audits over rsh Disabled Tenable Vulnerability Management uses rsh to connect to the host device for patch audits.
Perform patch audits over rexec Disabled Tenable Vulnerability Management uses rexec to connect to the host device for patch audits.
equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Host > Windows
Never send credentials in the clear


By default, for security reasons, this option is enabled.

Do not use NTLMv1 authentication


If the Do not use NTLMv1 authentication option is disabled, then it is theoretically possible to trick Tenable Vulnerability Management into attempting to log into a Windows server with domain credentials via the NTLM version 1 protocol. This provides the remote attacker with the ability to use a hash obtained from Tenable Vulnerability Management. This hash can be potentially cracked to reveal a username or password. It may also be used to directly log into other servers. Force Tenable Vulnerability Management to use NTLMv2 by enabling the Only use NTLMv2 setting at scan time. This prevents a hostile Windows server from using NTLM and receiving a hash. Because NTLMv1 is an insecure protocol, this option is enabled by default.

Start the Remote Registry service during the scan


This option tells Tenable Vulnerability Management to start the Remote Registry service on computers being scanned if it is not running. This service must be running in order for Tenable Vulnerability Management to execute some Windows local check plugins.

Note: This option is disabled by default to improve default scan performance. Additionally, enabling this option can have implications depending on your network security implementation. For example, certain access control configurations for your network firewall might blacklist your scanner for attempting to negotiate Server Message Block Protocol (SMB protocol) connections.

Enable administrative shares during the scan


This option allows Tenable Vulnerability Management to access certain registry entries that can be read with administrator privileges.

Note: This option is disabled by default to improve default scan performance. Additionally, enabling this option can have implications depending on your network security implementation. For example, certain access control configurations for your network firewall might blacklist your scanner for attempting to negotiate Server Message Block Protocol (SMB protocol) connections.

equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Host > SSH
known_hosts file


If you upload an SSH known_hosts file, Tenable Vulnerability Management only attempts to log in to hosts in this file. This can ensure that the same username and password you are using to audit your known SSH servers is not used to attempt a log into a system that may not be under your control.

Preferred port


The port on which SSH is running on the target system.

Client version


The type of SSH client Tenable Vulnerability Management impersonates while scanning.

Attempt least privilege


Enables or disables dynamic privilege escalation. When enabled, Tenable Vulnerability Management attempts to run the scan with an account with lesser privileges, even if the Elevate privileges with option is enabled. If a command fails, Tenable Vulnerability Management escalates privileges. Plugins 101975 and 101976 report which plugins ran with or without escalated privileges.

Note: Enabling this option may increase scan run time by up to 30%.

Amazon AWS
equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Cloud Services > Amazon AWS
Regions to access

Rest of the World

In order for Tenable Vulnerability Management to audit an Amazon AWS account, you must define the regions you want to scan. Per Amazon policy, you need different credentials to audit account configuration for the China region than you do for the rest of the world.

Possible regions include:

  • GovCloud — If you select this region, you automatically select the government cloud (e.g., us-gov-west-1).

  • Rest of the World — If you select this region, the following additional options appear:

    • us-east-1

    • us-east-2

    • us-west-1

    • us-west-2

    • ca-central-1

    • eu-west-1

    • eu-west-2

    • eu-central-1

    • ap-northeast-1

    • ap-northeast-2

    • ap-southeast-1

    • ap-southeast-2

    • sa-east-1

  • China — If you select this region, the following additional options appear:

    • cn-north-1

    • cn-northwest-1



Whether Tenable Vulnerability Management authenticates over an encrypted (HTTPS) or an unencrypted (HTTP) connection.

Verify SSL Certificate


Whether Tenable Vulnerability Management verifies the validity of the SSL digital certificate.

equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Cloud Services > Rackspace

Location of the Rackspace Cloud instance. Possible locations include:

  • Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW)
  • Chicago (ORD)
  • Northern Virginia (IAD)
  • London (LON)
  • Syndney (SYD)
  • Hong Kong (HKG)
Microsoft Azure
equivalent to Scans > Credentials > Cloud Services > Amazon AWS
Subscription IDs

List subscription IDs to scan, separated by a comma. If this field is blank, all subscriptions are audited.